If you have something you want to do, try or are curious about....JUST DO IT. Go run a marathon, start the business you have been wanting to do for years, make a monthly night out with your girlfriends, travel to places that you've only seen in magazines, make date nights with your husband even though you've been married for a short time or what seems like for years. The plan of your thoughts are already in place so just make it happen.
So many things cross our minds and we let things get in the way. As I once again hear of sad news of a board chamber member loss, I also heard today that my MIL will be in heaven soon and they will have a wonderful angle. It breaks my heart for her husband (my FIL), my husband who looses his mom and my children who will loose their Grandma....I wonder, did she do everything she wanted to do. Did she fulfilled her dreams, goals, read enough books, have enough animals as she was an animal lover, did she travel to all the places she wanted to and the list could go on.
I realized how short life was when I lost my brother three years ago. It made me question all of my life's choices and what else I wanted to do. Do I spend enough quality time with my husband, children, family, and friends. It hit me hard and I felt compelled to do whatever I wanted to try and make my passions, goals and dreams happen. Over time, that feeling seemed to fade and I got back into my same routine and once again forget my goals. Today, I faced them again. I'm sure most of you can relate to that.
Due to today's news....I decided to write three goals down, why I wanted them and how I was going to achieve them. In addition, I have put reminders in my phone to remind me to continue shifting ahead and not just stay in neutral.
How you have gotten to your goals, what encouraged you to make it happen and what advice do you have for some that stumble on this same issue?
Until then.....Don't Coast in Neutral....Positive Shift Ahead ~ Stacie
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